Choose the Perfect Christmas Tree for the Holidays

It’s officially Christmas season! No more pumpkins or Black Friday shopping. Your main priority now is to find the perfect Christmas tree to decorate. It has to be big, full, and beautiful. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes the perfect tree is more than just appearance. To avoid making a big holiday mistake and picking the wrong tree, consider these variables before choosing your Christmas Tree.

**Fun Fact: There are approximately 25-30 million Real Christmas Trees sold in the U.S. every year.


It may sound obvious, but make sure to pick one that is alive. This tree needs to last the month. If the needles are already falling off with the slightest shake or pull, that’s a bad sign for things to come. It is normal for interior needles to fall off, but if there are already visible signs of browning, stress, or damage, keeping the tree alive for the month will prove difficult.


Did you measure your ceiling height? Did you measure the tree? Did you consider the height of the tree stand or the width of the space? How many times growing up did you hear your dad mumble “Huh, it looked smaller at the tree farm” as he tried jamming it into the corner of the living room? DON’T MAKE THAT MISTAKE! Take the time to measure both height and width of the tree and your living room. Not every home can fit the Rockefeller Christmas tree.

Rockefeller Christmas Tree


Christmas trees are evergreens. Evergreens have needles. Needles are sharp. Think twice before getting a Colorado Blue Spruce if you have young children. After wrestling it off the car, through the door, and onto the stand, you might need a few band aids. Take your winter glove off and gently feel the texture of the tree. It will be very obvious whether or not the needles are sharp. Luckily not all evergreens have sharp needles. Firs and pines are much softer and safer to the touch.

**Fun Fact: Douglas Fir is the official state tree of Oregon and one of the most popular Christmas trees


Style is all personal preference. For every grand tree, there is someone who prefers the Charlie Brown tree. Style consists of needle type, color, and shape. The prototypical Christmas tree is full with a pyramidal form. However, each tree variety offers something unique.

Balsam Fir and Fraser Fir both have stiff short needles that are very attractive. The Douglas Fir tends to be a bit dainty and soft, but all are very aromatic. White Pine and Scotch Pine have long soft needles with sturdy branching. The overall look isn’t the prototypical Christmas tree but they are unique with a great smell. Blue Spruce is another common variety. It is very dense with silvery blue needles that are incredibly fragrant. However, like mentioned before, the Blue Spruce needles are very sharp.

Douglas Fir Christmas Tree Colorado Blue Spruce Christmas Tree White Pine Christmas Tree

Douglas Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Pine


Now most children will say the perfect Christmas tree is priceless, but every parent sees the price tag. Not only are the trees priced by size, but also by type. Certain varieties will be more expensive than others. Each tree species will naturally grow in different regions of the United States. What is common and inexpensive in Minnesota will be different than what is common in New York or Oregon. In the Midwest, White Pine, Scotch Pine, and Balsam Fir are very common. Shop locally for the healthiest and freshest tree.

Now equipped with a Christmas tree plan, go out there and find the perfect one. Just remember that not every tree is right for every space. Good luck tree hunting! If you already chopped your tree down or an artificial tree kind of family, try your hand at decorating a winter planter.

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